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Ringelheim, Julie, The Prohibition of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Access to Services under EU Law

European Antidiscrimination Law Review, No. 10, July 2010, 11-18

De Schutter, Olivier, Recognition of the Rights of Minorities and the EU's Equal Opportunities Agenda

in European Antidiscrimination Law Review, No.11, December 2010, 23-34


Ringelheim, Julie., (in French only) Le Multiculturalisme aux miroirs de la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme

in "l'Observateur des Nations Unies", 2007-2, vol.23

De Schutter, Olivier., Division of tasks between the Council of Europe and the European Union in the Promotion of the Human Rights in Europe : Conflict, Competition and Complementarity
De Schutter, Olivier., Commentaire de l'article 26 du Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques

"L'article 26 du Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques contient une clause générale de non-discrimination. Le commentaire qui en est proposé est à paraître dans le commentaire article par article du Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques que coordonne le professeur Emmanuel Decaux, de l'Université de ParisII-Assas, membre de la Sous-Commission des Nations Unies pour la promotion et la protection des droits de l'homme."


Julie Ringelheim., Collecting Data on Race and Ethnicity for Antidiscrimination Policies - How to Reconcile the Promotion of Equality with Respect for the Right to Privacy?

NYU School of Law, Jean Monnet Working Paper 08/06 / Center for Human Rights and Global Justice Working Paper No.13, 2006

Julie Ringelheim, Diversity and Equality: An Ambiguous Relationship. Reflections on the US Case Law on Affirmative Action in Higher Education

European Diversity and Autonomy Papers - EDAP 4.2006

De Schutter, Olivier., Extraterritorial Juridiction as a tool for improving the Human Rights Accountability of Transnational Corporations

This report was prepared for the seminar organized in collaboration with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Brussels on 3-4 November 2006 under the mandate of prof. J. Ruggie, the Special Representative to the UN Secretary General on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other enterprises. It examines under which conditions States may ­ or should ­ exercise extraterritorial jurisdiction in order to improve the accountability of transnational corporations domiciled under their jurisdiction for human rights abuses they commit overseas.

De Schutter, Olivier., Three Models of Equality and European Anti-Discrimination Law

(Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, vol.57, pp.1-56) This study offers a discussion of the approach to equality of treatment in the instruments adopted on the basis of Article 13 EC, by locating the choices made by the European legislator in a comparative framework.


De Schutter, Olivier., Les droits fondamentaux dans le projet européen. Des limites à l'action des institutions à la politique des droits fondamentaux.

This text explores the perspectives following from the insertion of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Constitution for Europe. It is an invitation to rethink the meaning of the acquis of the EU in the area of fundamental rights. The vocation of fundamental rights has originally been purely instrumental or defensive. It is suggested that the reference to fundamental rights should also influence the meaning of concepts as central to the European construction as that of citizenship of the Union or of the mutual trust between States in a common area of freedom, security and justice. This evolution however presupposes that fundamental rights constitute not only a limit, imposed from the outside, to the action of the institutions or of the Member States in the field of application of Union law, but that they become central to the building of the common European area ; and it presupposes that the Union has certain instruments at its disposal, allowing it to realize fundamental rights affirmatively.

De Schutter, Olivier., Transnational corporations as instruments of human development

This paper was initially presented at a conference organized in March 2004 by the New York University Center for Human Rights and Global Justice and by the Ethical Global Initiative, with the World Bank Group, on "Human Rights and Development: Towards Mutual Reinforcement". The paper argues that whatever impact economic globalization has on the realization of human rights depends on the forms globalization takes and the kind of governance it is guided by. The kind of globalization advocated here proposes an enriched understanding of the obligation of transnational corporations to respect human rights. The paper moreover argues that this is, in fact, the direction in which we are moving, and that simply accentuating certain aspects of the currsity Centre foent situation will bring us closer to this objective : transforming TNCs into instruments for a more humane kind of globalization, one which not only respects the full set of internationally recognized human rights, but which also ensures that they will be further realized, in combination with economic growth

Report on the prohibition of discrimination under the instruments adopted in the framework of the Council of Europe and on the potential impact of these instruments for the reading of Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC, prepared within the European Network of legal experts on non-discrimination (February 2005).
De Schutter, Olivier., "Le tiers à l'instance devant le Cour de justice de l'Union européenne", in H. Ruiz Fabri et J.-M. Sorel (dir.), Le tiers à l'instance, Paris, Pedone, 2005 .

This report is part of the project on comparative international litigation launched at the University of Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne by professors H. Ruiz Fabri and J.-M. Sorel. It examines the regime of third party intervention before the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance. The report examines the notion of intervention the framework of referral procedures. It turns, next, to intervention in the context of "cases" presented to the European Court of Justice (including in particular actions for annulment, actions for failure to act, and infringement procedures). The report concludes by distinguishing the function of the intervenor stricto sensu and that of the amicus curiae, noting that, although the latter status does not exist explicitly, the practice of the European Court of Justice illustrates the need, or at least the usefulness, of developing such a status in the case-law.

De Schutter, Olivier., "La contribution du contrôle juridictionnel à la confiance mutuelle", in G. de Kerckove et A. Weyembergh (éd.), La confiance mutuelle dans l'espace pénal européen - Mutual Trust in the European Criminal Area, Inst. d'études européennes de l'ULB, Bruxelles, 2005, pp. 79-121.

This report examines the role of judicial review in the area of freedom, security and justice, and particularly the contribution of national courts and the European Court of Justice to the mutual trust on which the cooperation between the Member States in the European Criminal Area is based. The report also discusses the question of the compatibility with the requirements of the European Convention on Human Rights of the princi

De Schutter, Olivier and Verstichel, Annelies, "The Role of the Union in Integrating the Roma : Present and Possible Future", EDAP 2/2005.

This paper describes the contribution Council Directive 2000/43/EC of 29 June 2000 implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin has made to improve the situation of the Roma in the Union, and it highlights the next steps which could be taken in order to promote equal treatment of the Roma either either by building further on that Directive, for instance in order to extend its scope of application to the delivery of administrative documents, in order to explicitly include segregation as a form of prohibited discrimination, or by the adoption of another instrument, complementary to the Racial Equality Directive, addressing in a more focused manner the specific needs of the Roma, while remaining attentive to the preservation of their traditional lifestyle for those wishing not to renounce it, and ensuring that such a measure is based on a consultation of the Roma themselves.


De Schutter, Olivier, "L'adhésion de l'Union européenne à la Charte sociale européenne". Working paper EUI LAW n°2004/11, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
De Schutter, Olivier, "The Implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights through the Open Method of Coordination (La mise en oeuvre de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne par la méthode ouverte de coordination), Jean Monnet Working Paper 07/04, Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Economic Law & Justice, NYU School of Law
De Schutter, Olivier, The Accountability of multinationals for Human Rights violations in European Law. Centre for Human Rights and Global Justice Working Paper 01/04. Global Law School Faculty, New York University School of Law
De Schutter, Olivier, In the framework of the EU Network of experts on disability, which examined the implementation in the EU member States of Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation with respect to disability discrimination (see here) O. De Schutter has completed a thematic study on "Pre-Employment Inquiries and Medical Examinations as Barriers to the Employment of Persons with Disabilities: Reconciling the Principle of Equal Treatment and Health and Safety regulations under European Union Law", 2004


De Schutter, Olivier, (FR only) La protection du travailleur vis à vis des nouvelles technologies dans l'emploi.
De Schutter, Olivier, Vers l'Union de droit. L'amélioration de la protection juridictionnelle dans l'Union européenne comme élément du débat sur l'avenir de l'Union.


De Schutter, Olivier, Ancrer les droits fondamentaux dans l'Union européenne.Ce rapport est établi à la demande de l'Unité A5, "Citoyenneté, Charte des droits fondamentaux, Racisme et Xénophobie, Programme Daphné", de la DG Justice et Affaires intérieures de la Commission européenne et s'inscrit dans le cadre des réflexions conduites par le groupe de travail II ("Intégration de la Charte des droits fondamentaux / Adhésion à la CEDH") créé au sein la Convention sur l'avenir de l'Europe, que la Déclaration sur l'avenir de l'Union européenne adoptée par le Conseil européen de Laeken lors de sa réunion des 14 et 15 décembre 2001 a chargé de préparer la voie d'un Traité constitutionnel pour l'Union européenne.